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2023-11-25 21:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Business English phrases for meetings.商务英语会议用语。

Meetings play a very big part in the business world. During meetings, important decisions are made, people are promoted, demoted, hired or even fired!会议在商业世界中扮演着非常重要的角色。在会议期间,做出重要的决定,人们被提升,降职,雇用甚至解雇!

The future of companies is predicted, business tactics are analysed, competitors are targeted and strategies are planned.对企业的未来进行了预测,对企业的经营策略进行了分析,对竞争对手进行了定位,并对战略进行了规划。

A lot of time is spent organising, attending, hosting and holding meetings, so understanding your position in the meeting and knowing how to provide input is essential.很多时间都花在组织、出席、主持和召开会议上,因此了解你在会议中的地位并知道如何提供意见是至关重要的。

In this post, I will aim to provide all the valuable information you need to be equipped with when you enter that meeting room.在这篇文章中,我将致力于提供所有有价值的信息,你需要配备时,你进入那个会议室。

Useful English Phrases For Running A Business Meeting开商务会议的有用英语短语


Right, everyone has arrived now, so let’s get started.好了,大家都到了,我们开始吧。

If we are all here, let’s start the meeting.如果我们都在这里,就开始开会吧。

Now that everyone is here, shall we begin?既然大家都来了,我们开始吧?

Shall we get down to business?我们直入主题好吗?

Well, since everyone is here, we should get started.既然大家都来了,我们开始吧?

Okay, we have a lot to cover today, so we really should get started.好吧,我们今天有很多事情要做,所以我们真的应该开始了。

Hello everyone. Thank you for coming today.大家好。谢谢你今天来。

Okay, let’s begin. Firstly, I’d like to welcome you all.好吧,我们开始吧。首先,我想欢迎大家。

Thank you all for coming at such short notice.谢谢你们这么快就来。

I really appreciate your attendance to this meeting.我真的很感谢你出席这次会议。

For those of you who don’t know me yet, I am …对于那些还不认识我的人,我是…

Please join me in welcoming …请和我一起欢迎…

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to …我想对……表示热烈的欢迎…

We are pleased to welcome …我们很高兴欢迎…

Firstly, I’d like to introduce …首先,我想介绍一下…

For anyone who hasn’t met our new … yet, this is …对于那些还没见过我们新的…但是,这是…

It’s a pleasure for me to welcome …我很高兴欢迎…

I’d like to take a moment to introduce …我想花点时间介绍一下…

I know most of you, but there are a few unfamiliar faces. I am …我认识你们大多数人,但也有一些不熟悉的面孔。我是…

(Name) has kindly agreed to take the minutes today. (Name) will be presenting the … (Name) has kindly agreed to give us a report on … (Name), would you mind taking notes / taking the minutes today please? (Name) will lead (topic) from the agenda. (Name), would you like to kick off with …? Unfortunately, Margaret cannot join us today. She was called away on urgent business. Mark will be taking the minutes today, as Sarah is at home with a fever.(姓名)已同意今天做会议记录。(姓名)将呈交…(姓名)已同意给我们一份关于…(姓名)的报告,你介意今天做笔记/做记录吗?(名称)将从议程中引出(主题)。(名字),你想和…?不幸的是,玛格丽特今天不能来了。她因急事被叫走了。马克今天要做记录,因为莎拉发烧在家。

I have received apologies for absence from …我收到了缺席的道歉…

If you notice anyone missing, please let Mark know so he can make a note of it.如果你发现有人失踪,请告诉马克,以便他能记下来。


We are here today to talk about …我们今天在这里讨论…

We are here to discuss …我们是来讨论…

Our main aim today is to …我们今天的主要目标是…

I’ve called this meeting today in order to …我今天召开这个会议是为了…

As you can see here on the agenda …正如你在议程上看到的…

Firstly, we’ll be talking about …首先,我们将讨论…

First of all, we’ll discuss …首先,我们将讨论…

After that, we’ll be looking at …在那之后,我们将看到...

Followed by …接着...

If time allows, we will also cover …如果时间允许,我们还将报道…

Then, I’ll be handing it over to … for …然后,我会把它交给…因为…

Secondly, we’ll look at …第二,我们来看看

Next, I’ll ask you for (feedback, comments, your opinion, your views, suggestions, ideas) on …接下来,我会问你(反馈,评论,你的意见,你的观点,建议,想法)关于…

And finally, we’ll discuss …最后,我们将讨论…

following the agenda - business english phrases for meetings遵循议程-商务英语会议用语


All the attendees should somehow see or receive a copy of the agenda, whether this is handed out to individuals on paper, shown on an overhead projector screen or written on a board in the meeting room. All the attendees should be able to follow the agenda as the meeting progresses, be fully aware of which topic is being discussed and what stage the meeting is at. Before beginning the first item on the agenda, it is also customary to outline the principal objectives and provide a brief verbal outline of the agenda.所有与会者都应以某种方式看到或收到一份议程副本,无论是在纸上分发给个人,还是在投影仪屏幕上显示,还是在会议室的黑板上书写。所有与会者都应该能够随着会议的进展遵循议程,充分了解正在讨论的主题和会议的阶段。在开始议程上的第一个项目之前,通常还应概述主要目标并简要口头概述议程。


That’s a valid point but we will discuss that in more detail at a later date.这是一个有效的观点,但我们将在稍后更详细地讨论。

Okay, let’s talk more about that later on.好吧,我们以后再谈。

I’m afraid we’ll have to come back to this later.我们恐怕得以后再讨论这个问题。

We’re running short on time, so let’s move on to the next topic.我们的时间不多了,所以我们继续下一个话题。

We’re running behind now, so let’s skip to the next point on the agenda.我们现在落后了,所以我们跳到议事日程上的下一点。

I’m afraid we only have 10 minutes left, so let’s move on to….恐怕我们只剩下10分钟了,所以我们继续…。

We’ve spent too long on this issue now, let’s discuss it in more detail after this meeting.我们在这个问题上花的时间太长了,我们在这次会议之后再详细讨论一下。

I think we’ll have to leave that there for now and move on to….我想我们得暂时把它留在那儿,然后继续…。

We’re pushed for time, so let’s discuss….我们时间紧迫,让我们讨论一下…。

Let’s try to stay on topic, that can be discussed another time.让我们试着继续讨论这个话题,下次再讨论。

You can discuss that amongst yourselves after the meeting.你们可以在会后讨论这个问题。

This matter is not on today’s agenda, let’s leave it for next time.这件事不在今天的议程上,我们下次再说吧。

Let’s save this for another meeting.我们把这个留到下次会议上吧。

Getting back to the task at hand….回到手头的任务…。


(Staying on track or getting back on track)(保持正轨或回到正轨)

As I mentioned before, this is usually the main issue with meetings and the thing that attendees would be most likely to complain about.如前所述,这通常是会议的主要问题,也是与会者最可能抱怨的问题。

A successful meeting is one that starts and finishes at the allotted time, with all the points on the agenda fully covered.一个成功的会议是在指定的时间开始和结束,议程上的所有要点都被完全覆盖。

It is the host’s (or chairperson’s) responsibility to ensure that the meeting does not go off topic, and that it stays within a suitable timeframe.东道主(或主席)有责任确保会议不偏离主题,并在适当的时间范围内举行。


I couldn’t agree with you more (I agree)我非常同意你(我同意)

I completely agree with …我完全同意…

Could I just say one thing please?我能说一句话吗?

If I could just come in here …如果我能进来…

I would just like to add …我只想补充…

May I come in here please?我可以进来吗?

Sorry, could you speak up a little please? I can’t hear you at the back.对不起,你能大声点吗?我在后面听不见你说话。

If I could have a chance to speak for a moment please.如果我能有机会说几句话。

I’m glad you brought that up. I’d like to add …我很高兴你提出来了。我想补充…

I’m afraid I’d have to disagree with you on that.恐怕我不能同意你的看法。

I would just like to say that …我只想说…

Excuse me for interrupting …打扰一下…

I really feel that …我真的觉得…

The way I see things …我看待事物的方式…

In my opinion …在我看来...

(Name), could you please tell us how … is progressing? (Name), how is the … coming along? Next, (name) will talk us through … (Name, have you managed to complete the …? (Name), when can we expect to hear about …? Has everyone received a copy of …? (Name), can we have your input on … please?(姓名),你能告诉我们……进展如何吗?(名字),这……进展如何?下一步,(姓名)将通过……(姓名,您是否完成了…?(名字),我们什么时候能听到…?每个人都收到…的副本了吗…?(姓名),请输入…好吗?

How do you feel about …?你觉得…怎样?

Are you positive that …?你确定…?

What do you think about …你认为...?

What are your views on …?你对…有什么看法…?

Now, I’d like to hand over to (name), who will talk about …现在,我想交给(姓名),他会谈论…

This brings us to the next topic on the agenda, which will be introduced by (name).这就引出了议程上的下一个主题,将由(name)介绍。

Why don’t we move on to …我们何不继续…

If no one has anything else to add, let’s move on to …如果没有人要补充什么,让我们继续…

asking for feedback - business english phrases for meetings征求反馈-商务英语会议用语

Attendees will generally be asked to provide input by giving their opinion, making comments or suggestions, providing feedback or asking questions. It can sometimes be hard to have your say if many people would like to comment at the same time.与会者通常被要求通过发表意见、提出意见或建议、提供反馈或提出问题来提供意见。如果有很多人想同时发表评论,有时你很难有发言权。


(When you don’t understand something)(当你不明白的时候)

I don’t quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?我不太懂你的意思。你到底是什么意思?

I don’t see what you mean. Could you elaborate please?我不明白你的意思。请详细说明一下好吗?

I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at.恐怕我不太明白你在说什么。

Could you please explain to me how that is going to work?你能解释一下这是怎么回事吗?

Do you mean that …?你是说…?

So what you’re saying is that … (repeat what they said to get confirmation)所以你要说的是…(重复他们说的以获得确认)

You did say … didn’t you?你说过…不是吗?

Could you spell that please?请拼一下好吗?

Would you mind spelling that for me please?(repeat what they said in your own words) … is that what you mean?请你帮我拼一下好吗?(重复他们用你自己的话说的话)…这就是你的意思吗?

Is it true that …? Correct me if I’m wrong please, you’re saying … (reiterate what they said) If you do not understand what is being said by someone in particular, instead of just letting it pass by, you should ask for clarification to ensure that you are on the same page (that you understand), because they may be talking about something that will also affect you!是真的吗…?如果我错了,请纠正我,你是在说……(重申他们说的话)如果你不理解某个人说的话,而不是让它过去,你应该要求澄清,以确保你在同一页(你理解),因为他们可能在说一些也会影响你的事情你!


(Ending the meeting)结束会议

Is there any other business?还有别的事吗?

Does anyone have any other business?有人有别的事吗?

Any other business?还有别的事吗?

Would anyone like to make any final points?有人想说最后一点吗?

If there are no further points, I’d like to bring the meeting to a close.如果没有其他问题,我想结束会议。

Before we close the meeting, I’d like to briefly summarise the main points …在我们结束会议之前,我想简要总结一下要点…

Let me quickly go over today’s main points.让我快速回顾一下今天的要点。

To sum up …总而言之…

Right, why don’t we summarise what we’ve agreed on today.好吧,我们来总结一下我们今天达成的协议。

Shall I go over the main points before we adjourn?在我们休会之前,我先讨论一下要点好吗?

I guess that will be all for today, thank you for taking part.我想今天就到此为止,谢谢你的参与。

I think we should finish here.我想我们应该在这里结束。

We seem to have been very efficient today, so let’s wrap up early.我们今天看起来很有效率,所以我们早点结束吧。

We have covered everything on the agenda, so let’s end it here.我们已经讨论了议事日程上的每一件事,所以让我们在这里结束吧。

If there is nothing else to add, I’d like to adjourn the meeting.如果没有别的事要补充,我想休会。

If there are no other comments, I’d like to wrap this meeting up.如果没有其他意见,我想结束这次会议。

It looks like we’ve finished ahead of schedule, so let’s finish up here.看来我们提前完成了,所以让我们在这里完成。

I’m afraid we’re going to have to cut this meeting short. I’ve just been informed of an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with immediately. I’m afraid we’ll have to end this meeting here. Let’s rearrange and continue this discussion another time. Thank you all for your input today. Thank you for your participation. Let’s end this here, shall we? I’m sure you all have other important work to get back to. Before you leave, please remember to sign the attendance sheet I almost forgot to mention…. I’d like to thank (name) for … Sorry, could I please have your attention for one more moment. I forgot to say… Before we go, let’s put our hands together for (clap or say congratulations)…. Most of you probably know this already, but I’d like to formally congratulate…. Please don’t forget to hand in your votes by the end of the week. I look forward to receiving emails from you all about your final vote. The minutes of the meeting will be sent to you all by (person’s name and/or time/date) … If anyone has any further questions, or would like to give any feedback privately, then please feel free to email me.恐怕我们得缩短这次会议。我刚接到通知,有一件急事需要立即处理。恐怕我们得在这里结束这次会议。让我们重新安排,下次再继续讨论。感谢大家今天的意见。谢谢你的参与。我们在这里结束吧,好吗?我相信你们还有其他重要的工作要做。在你离开之前,请记得在我差点忘了提到的考勤表上签名…。我想感谢(姓名)您……对不起,请您再注意一下。我忘了说…在我们走之前,让我们双手合十…。你们大多数人可能已经知道了,但我想正式祝贺…。请别忘了在周末前交上你的选票。我期待着收到你所有关于你最后投票的邮件。会议记录将通过(姓名和/或时间/日期)发送给您。如果有人有任何进一步的问题,或想私下提供任何反馈,请随时给我发电子邮件。

Once all the topics on the agenda have been covered, it is time to adjourn (end) the meeting. If the meeting is running over time, then it may be necessary to skip (not discuss) any less important topics, and end the meeting once all the main topics have been covered. Sometimes, a meeting may even finish early, if everything is covered ahead of time! You should always end the meeting by summarising the main points or decisions made (if needed) and thanking everyone for coming. This could also be the time to make any last minute remarks or reminders, or say a special thanks or congratulations to anyone.一旦议程上的所有议题都讨论完毕,现在是休会(结束)的时候了。如果会议持续一段时间,则可能需要跳过(而不是讨论)任何不太重要的主题,并在讨论完所有主要主题后结束会议。有时,会议甚至可能提前结束,如果一切都提前被覆盖!会议结束时,你应该总结会议的要点或决定(如果需要的话),并感谢所有人的到来。这也可能是在最后时刻发表任何评论或提醒的时候,或是向任何人表示特别的感谢或祝贺的时候。

7. CALLING A MEETING(Organising and hosting a meeting)召开会议(组织和主持会议)

If you feel there is something that needs to be discussed amongst the team, you may want to ‘call a meeting’, or you may be ‘called to a meeting’ by another colleague or superior. Meetings can be announced verbally in small teams, posted on bulletin boards or (most commonly these days) attendees are invited by email. If a verbal announcement is made, it should always be followed up by written confirmation. When contacting the prospective attendees, it is important to mention the time, date, place and topic/purpose of the meeting. If you are expecting to cover many topics, you should also send out an agenda (list of topics that will be discussed) so the attendees know what to expect and can prepare any questions, comments or information they would like to add to each point. Likewise, if you are called to a meeting and would like to prepare beforehand, don’t be afraid to ask the host (or chairperson) for a copy of the agenda!如果你觉得团队中有需要讨论的事情,你可以“召集会议”,也可以由其他同事或上级“召集会议”。会议可以以小组形式口头宣布,也可以张贴在公告栏上,或者(通常是现在)通过电子邮件邀请与会者。如果口头宣布,应始终以书面确认为准。与潜在与会者联系时,重要的是提及会议的时间、日期、地点和主题/目的。如果您希望涵盖许多主题,您还应该发送一个议程(将要讨论的主题列表),以便与会者知道期望的内容,并可以准备任何问题、评论或信息,他们希望添加到每一点。同样,如果你被召集参加一个会议并且想提前准备,不要害怕向主持人(或主席)索要一份议程副本!

If anyone is expected to ‘have the floor’ (host a part of the meeting) or provide specific information, then don’t forget to notify them in person (or by phone if they’re not nearby!) of their duty, so they have time to prepare.如果有人希望“发言”(主持会议的一部分)或提供具体信息,那么不要忘记亲自通知他们(如果他们不在附近,也可以通过电话通知!)他们的职责,所以他们有时间准备。

calling a meeting - phrases for a business meeting召开会议-商务会议的用语


Good Afternoon Everyone,大家下午好,

There will be a meeting next week Thursday (26th) at 3pm in Room 5C. All staff in the marketing team are expected to attend, as we will be discussing our strategy for the next quarter.下周星期四(26日)下午3点在5C室举行会议。由于我们将讨论下一季度的战略,预计营销团队的所有员工都将出席。

We’re having this meeting earlier than usual due to the sudden surge of popularity surrounding our latest product. Please come prepared with ideas, queries, suggestions for further promotions and any questions, as we will not have time to discuss this during peak time.由于我们的最新产品突然大受欢迎,这次会议比平时提前举行。请准备好进一步促销的想法、问题、建议和任何问题,因为我们在高峰期没有时间讨论。

Please expect the meeting to last approximately 3 hours.请期待会议持续约3小时。


Nadine Thomas纳丁·托马斯

Marketing Supervisor市场主管

8. WRITING AN AGENDA(Preparing the itinerary/topics for discussion during the meeting)编写议程(准备会议期间讨论的日程/主题)

One common issue that occurs with meetings is that they tend to run over the allocated time. If the attendees are told to keep 1 hour free for the meeting but are then occupied for 2.5 hours, then not only are they neglecting other important work, but it could also be very costly for the company. One popular idiom to describe this would be ‘Time is money’ . If carefully organised and appropriately hosted, then a meeting CAN run smoothly. Having clear aims, setting time limits per topic, sticking to the agenda, and knowing how to ‘get back on track’ are key components of an effective meeting. The attendees will be more likely to provide input by asking questions and offering feedback if they know what to expect.会议中出现的一个常见问题是,它们往往会超过分配的时间。如果要求与会者在会议期间保留1小时的空闲时间,但随后却被占用了2.5小时,那么他们不仅忽视了其他重要工作,而且可能会给公司带来很大的成本。一个流行的成语来形容这将是'时间就是金钱'。如果精心组织和适当主持,会议就可以顺利进行。有明确的目标,设定每个主题的时间限制,坚持议程,知道如何“回到正轨”是有效会议的关键组成部分。与会者更可能通过提问和提供反馈(如果他们知道预期结果)来提供意见。



Marketing Strategy for Quarter 2 – Thursday 26thFebruary – Room 5C第二季度营销策略-2月26日星期四-5C室

15:00 – Welcome / Introduction / Refreshments15: 00–欢迎/介绍/茶点

15:20 – Minutes from previous meeting15: 20–上次会议记录

15:30 – Quarter 1 so far – Presentation by Dominic15: 30–迄今为止的第1季度–多米尼克介绍

16:00 – Positive effects of latest product16: 00–最新产品的积极影响

16:20 – Issues and limitations16: 20–问题和限制

16:40 – Feedback from last quarter16: 40–上季度反馈

17:00 – New ideas for Q2*17: 00–第二季度的新创意*

17:45 – Media attention / expectations17: 45–媒体关注/期望

18:00 – Questions / Reminders / AOB**18: 00–问题/提醒/AOB**

* Q2 is short for Quarter 2 i.e. the second quarter of the year (April to June). ** AOB is short for ‘Any Other Business’ (anything else that someone would like to discuss) and is very commonly used in meetings.*第二季度是第二季度的简称,即今年第二季度(4月至6月)。**AOB是“任何其他业务”(任何其他有人想讨论的业务)的缩写,在会议中非常常用。

allocating roles - business english phrases for meetings分配角色-会议用商务英语短语


Nadine: Hi Dominic. How are you?娜丁:你好,多米尼克。你好吗?

Dominic: Fine, thanks. Is there something I can help you with?多米尼克:好的,谢谢。有什么我能帮你的吗?

Nadine: Yes, I’m planning on having next quarter’s meeting early this year and I was wondering if you could prepare a PowerPoint presentation about Quarter 1 so far, just so everyone is up to date with what has been going on so far. Could you do that please?纳丁:是的,我计划今年早些时候召开下个季度的会议,我想知道你是否可以准备一份关于第一季度的演示文稿,以便大家都能了解到目前为止的情况。你能这样做吗?

Dominic: I’m afraid I’m quite busy this week…when is the meeting?多米尼克:恐怕这周我很忙……什么时候开会?

Nadine: I was planning on arranging it for next week Thursday at 3pm.纳丁:我本来计划下星期四下午3点安排的。

Dominic: Okay, that’s fine. That gives me time to prepare a slideshow over the weekend. No problem!多米尼克:好吧,没关系。这让我有时间在周末准备一个幻灯片。没问题!

Nadine: Thank you Dom, I really appreciate it. I’ll allocate a 30 minute slot to you for the presentation, as there is a lot to cover. Does that suit you?纳丁:谢谢你,多姆,我真的很感激。我会给你安排一个30分钟的演讲时间,因为有很多内容要讲。你觉得合适吗?

Dominic: Yes, I should be able to fit everything into that timeframe.多米尼克:是的,我应该能把所有的事情都安排在那个时间范围内。

Nadine: Great, thanks again. Let me know if you get stuck on anything (if you have any problems).纳丁:太好了,再次谢谢。如果你有什么问题,请告诉我。

ALLOCATING ROLES(Assigning specific duties to other members of staff)分配角色(将特定职责分配给其他员工)

The person hosting the meeting may decide to allocate roles to other staff, such as taking minutes during the meeting (keeping a record of who attends and what is discussed), speaking about a certain subject, providing figures or data on a specific topic. If you are allocated a role by the meeting host, then remember to ask questions about anything you don’t understand, rather than guessing…because it’ll be too late to prepare again once the meeting has begun! If you are hosting the meeting and would like to allocate a role to someone, remember to give them plenty of notice so they can prepare what you have asked them to do. Also, ask them if they are able to take on this role before you announce to everyone that they will be doing it, just in case they cannot.主持会议的人可以决定将角色分配给其他工作人员,例如在会议期间做会议记录(记录出席者和讨论内容)、谈论某一主题、提供某一特定主题的数字或数据。如果会议主持人给你分配了一个角色,那么记住对任何你不明白的事情提出问题,而不是猜测……因为一旦会议开始,再做准备就太晚了!如果你要主持会议,并且想给某人分配一个角色,记得给他们很多通知,这样他们就可以准备好你让他们做的事情。另外,在你向每个人宣布他们将要做这件事之前,问问他们是否能担当起这个角色,以防万一。

10. TAKING THE MINUTES(Recording the meeting)10.做会议记录

This usually consists of keeping a list of the attendee’s names, and recording everything that is discussed, in case it needs to be discussed again or reviewed in the future.这通常包括保留与会者名单,并记录讨论的所有内容,以防将来需要再次讨论或审查。

Generally, someone who is not participating in the meeting would be called upon to be the minute-taker, but anyone may be assigned this responsibility, so it is good to be ready for it, in case your manager asks you to do it. Before the meeting begins, the minute-taker should obtain a copy of the previous (related) meeting’s minutes, a copy of the agenda for the new meeting and have a list of who is supposed to be attending, to hand. If you are not familiar with taking minutes, then it may be good to have an outline before going into the meeting to help guide you through everything that needs to be recorded. A standard outline should include:一般来说,不参加会议的人会被要求做记录员,但任何人都可能被指派这一职责,因此做好准备,以防经理要求你做这件事。在会议开始之前,记录员应获得先前(相关)会议记录的副本、新会议议程的副本以及应出席的人员名单。如果你不熟悉做会议记录,那么在参加会议之前最好有一个提纲,帮助你完成所有需要记录的事情。标准大纲应包括:

The topic of the meeting / main items on the agenda会议议题/主要议程项目

Meeting details (time, place, host, start time, end time)会议详细信息(时间、地点、主持人、开始时间、结束时间)

A list of attendees to be ticked off (or a blank list for attendees to sign)要勾选的与会者列表(或供与会者签名的空白列表)

taking the minutes - business english phrases for meetings会议记录-商务英语短语

The minute-taker can choose to record the meeting on paper (handwritten) or on a computer (typed up), whichever you feel more comfortable with.You will more than likely be asked to type the minutes up later, so that it can be stored electronically and sent around to all the attendees after the meeting – this should be done immediately after the meeting so that you don’t forget any of the points that were mentioned (even your own scribbled notes can seem hard to understand after a while)! Many people who are very familiar with minute-taking tend to use shorthand writing, which enables you to write a lot quicker and keep up with the discussion.会议记录员可以选择将会议记录在纸上(手写)或电脑上(打印),以您更满意的方式记录。您很可能会被要求稍后打印会议记录,以便以电子方式存储会议记录,并在会议结束后发送给所有与会者,这应该在会议结束后立即完成这样你就不会忘记刚才提到的任何一点(即使是你自己潦草的笔记,过一段时间似乎也很难理解)!许多非常熟悉分钟记录的人倾向于使用速记,这使你能够更快地书写并跟上讨论。

If you are called upon to take minutes on a regular basis, then it may be worth learning how to do shorthand writing! Remember, you do not need to record every single word that is spoken! Only a brief outline of what is discussed, and all significant points that are made by any of the participants.如果你被要求定期花上几分钟,那么学习如何写速记可能是值得的!记住,你不需要记录所说的每一个字!仅简要概述所讨论的内容,以及任何与会者提出的所有重要观点。

For example, if someone mentions an issue that needs to be dealt with, something positive that is working really well, and any feedback or suggestions. Any key points surrounding the main topics of the meeting should definitely be recorded, as well as any votes or decisions.例如,如果有人提到了一个需要处理的问题,一些非常有效的积极因素,以及任何反馈或建议。围绕会议主要议题的任何要点,以及任何投票或决定,都应明确记录在案。

It is, sometimes, also important to record who said what, for this reason, the minute-taker should know the names of the attendees. If you don’t know their names, you should make a note of their seating position and ask their names at the end of the meeting. If the meeting is with a very large number of people who are not known to one another then, generally, it is customary for them to introduce themselves (mention their name or company name) before they say anything else.有时,记录谁说了什么也很重要,因为这个原因,记录员应该知道与会者的姓名。如果你不知道他们的名字,你应该记下他们的座位,在会议结束时问他们的名字。如果会议是与许多彼此不认识的人举行的,那么,一般来说,他们通常在说其他事情之前先自我介绍(提到他们的名字或公司名称)。

opening a meeting - business english phrases for meetings会议开幕-商务英语会议用语

11. OPENING A MEETING(Starting the meeting)开会(开始开会)

At the start, while the attendees are arriving, having refreshments or getting settled into their seats, it is polite to make small talk with others (polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters). This usually fills any awkward silences while people are waiting to begin. Once everyone has arrived, the person hosting the meeting should formally welcome everyone to the meeting, and thank them for coming.开始时,当与会者到达、吃点心或入座时,礼貌地与他人闲聊(礼貌地谈论不重要或无争议的事情)。当人们等待开始时,这通常会填补任何尴尬的沉默。一旦所有人都到了,主持会议的人应该正式欢迎所有人参加会议,并感谢他们的到来。

If there is a new person in the meeting, or a guest attendee who does not know the others, this would be the best time to make introductions. Followed by the roll call (checking to see if all the attendees are there) and any apologies that need to be made on behalf of an important figure or a regular attendee who couldn’t make it.如果会议中有一个新的人,或者一个不认识其他人的来宾与会者,这将是进行介绍的最佳时机。然后是点名(检查是否所有与会者都在场)和任何需要代表重要人物或无法出席的普通与会者的道歉。

If the meeting is a small group then roll call is usually not necessary, as the person taking the minutes will be able to make a note of who was there. In a larger meeting, or one with guests whose names are not known, an attendance sheet should be sent around. So, now you should be able to successfully call a meeting, write an agenda, assign roles to others, take minutes, open a meeting, stay on track and close a meeting! I hope the information provided in this blog helps you to feel more confident when you enter a meeting room, knowing that you are armed with all the main phrases that you may need to use.如果会议是一个小组,那么通常不需要点名,因为做会议记录的人可以记录下谁在那里。在更大的会议上,或与不知道姓名的客人一起的会议上,应发送一份出席表。所以,现在你应该能够成功地召集会议,写下议程,分配角色给其他人,做几分钟,开一个会议,保持在轨道上,结束一个会议!我希望这个博客提供的信息能帮助你在进入会议室时更加自信,因为你知道你掌握了所有可能需要用到的主要短语。


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